perm filename BIRTH[AM,DBL] blob sn#543006 filedate 1980-11-14 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
A new general  purpose intelligent system  was unveiled Wednesday  shortly
before noon at the Stanford  medical center.  Predictions were made  that,
within a  few  years, this  sytem  will  be capable  of  natural  language
processing on  a restricted  subset of  English, speech  recognition,  and

Implemented entirely in wetware (and frequently packaged in wet wear), the
new system, called Nicole Danielle Lenat,  is quite small: 7lbs 13oz,  20"
long.   Merle  and  Doug  Lenat,  in  charge  of  the  project  since  its
conception, refused to speculate on  whether this was an isolated  project
or the first of  a new line.   Demos of the new  system will be  scheduled
soon; it is currently housed in the Stanford hospital, room 328.